red dragon gifWelcome to Steve'spurple dragon gif

Home page at I.B.C.!!
3 D Knot
I am taking the Network Operations Technician course
here at the International Business College in Denton, Texas.
I am one of today's "Non-traditional" students. I have returned to school to learn
 new skills and find a rewarding career in the brave frontier of computer networking.

Some of my favorite activities are:
A Cat?? gif
Always remember, even if your on the right
track you'll still get run over if
you just sit there!!
Rainbow bar .gif
The moment one commits oneself,
then providence moves, too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never have otherwise occurred.
A whole stream of events;
all manner of unforeseen incidents
and chance meetings and material assistance come forth
which no one could have dreamt would appear.
I have learned a deep respect for
one of Goethe's couplets:
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius and power and magic in it."
W. H. Murry
red dragon bar
Here are links to some interesting or useful web sites
Volcano world Gumby online!!
Send virtual flowers Find a Fugitive! (your neighbor??)
The Conspiracy Page  (0.0) Check The Weather.
A Brain Teaser
I will leave you with something to ponder
before you surf on to greener pastures:
What four legged mammal can you eradicate from
the face of the earth and next spring still breed more of??
You can E-mail me by clicking on this link >>>> Ink well E-mail link